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5 False Gospels And How to Identify Them

Are you being taught the full Gospel of the Kingdom? Not the seeker-friendly, inspirational, or another amalgamation, but the truth. Here are five false gospels and how to identify them and as highlighted in Apostle Guillermo Maldonado’s book, The Kingdom of Power!

5 False Gospels And How to Identify Them

1) The Historical Gospel
Many Christians of various denominations are fixed in a historical, traditional gospel that lacks the presence and power of God. They believe in a God of history but not in a God who is with us today–in a God whose name is in the present tense: “I Am Who I Am” (Exodus 3:14). For example, they believe in the God who parted the Red Sea and delivered his people from bondage in Egypt. 
They believe in the God who listened to Joshua and stopped the sun, who confirmed His name by making fire descend from heaven to consume Elijah’s sacrifice, and who did many other wonders, as recorded in the Bible. However, they don’t believe God will act today. They believe that Jesus walked the earth over 2,000 years ago, healing all kinds of sickness, delivering people from demon possession, forgiving sins, raising the dead, and much more, but they don’t believe that He will do the same today.
There are some people who do believe that God still does these things today, but they have no idea how to bring the power of Jesus’ resurrection in the here and now.
2) The “Future” Gospel
The mentality of much of the Modern Church is to present a Gospel that simply proclaims forgiveness of sin so that a person can go to heaven when he dies. Although that is certainly part of the good news, it is not the whole gospel of the kingdom. It says nothing of reigning with Christ on earth now with dominion authority and power.
Other believers reflect a different aspect of the future gospel. They believe that God can bring healing and deliverance to people on earth. Nonetheless, since their mind-set is always that God “will” do these things, they never receive or minister them.Yet God is the God of the now.
 It is true that He acts according to His sovereignty. However, these believers keep waiting for something that God has already promised and that Jesus has already provided through His death and resurrection.
3) The Social Gospel
While the “future” Gospel focuses on heaven, the social Gospel centers exclusively on the earth; its advocates seek to relieve societal problems, such as hunger, poverty, and injustice. Addressing people’s physical needs and concerns is central to kingdom living, because God wants us to love others as he loves us. (See, for example, our ministry is involved with helping orphans and feeding the poor. 
However, proponents of the social Gospel often downplay or ignore the spiritual elements of a relationship with God the Father through Jesus His Son. 
They do not seek or rely on God’s supernatural power, through which people can be healed physically, emotionally, and mentally, and through which they have access to God’s abundant provision, power, and strength. therefore, they do not represent the complete gospel.
4) The Conforming Gospel
This human “Gospel” leaves people in a spiritually stagnant condition, unable to move forward, retaining their sin and never regaining their dominion. It neither deals with the root of rebellion nor challenges people to change, so that they are left in sickness, scarcity, and oppression.
 A gospel that doesn’t produce change is contrary to the kingdom message of repentance that Jesus preached, and it fails to bring about the transformation that Paul urged believers to actively seek. ( Romans 12:2.) When the true gospel of the kingdom is proclaimed, it produces repentance, and people are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
5) The Motivational Gospel
This is a “self-help” Gospel in which God’s Word is spoken without power’ the cross and the resurrection of Jesus are not proclaimed, and the supernatural is absent. It is a Gospel adapted to what people want to hear, and it fails to confront them with the destructiveness of their sin, in an effort to avoid offending them. 
Its main purpose is for people to walk away feeling satisfied with themselves and encouraged to reach their personal goals. While it is good to have goals and to accomplish them Jesus came to announce much more than that! ( Matthew 6:33) 

The Gospel of the kingdom loving confronts us with our iniquity and challenges us to live in holiness through the resurrection life of Jesus and and the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not an egocentric message that leaves us comfortable in our sinful nature.

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