More Americans Agree Christians Face Intolerance But Complain Too Much About It
A growing number of Americans believe religious liberty is on the decline and that Christians face growing intolerance in the United States.
More Americans Agree Christians Face Intolerance But Complain Too Much About It |
They also say American Christians complain too much. In agreement: two out of five evangelicals, both when measured by beliefs and by self-identity.
Those are among the findings of a new study of views about religious liberty from LifeWay Research. Researchers surveyed 1,000 Americans in September 2013 and September 2015 and then compared the results.
Two-thirds (63%) say Christians face increasing intolerance, up from half (50%) in 2013.
A similar number (60%) say religious liberty is on the decline, up from just over half (54%) in 2013.

Meanwhile, 43 percent say American Christians complain too much about how they are treated, up from 34 percent in 2013. This includes 41 percent of self-identified evangelicals, 38 percent of Americans with evangelical beliefs, and 36 percent of weekly worshipers.
We have taken this study as a case study, however it is not in America only where Christianity is taking a back seat and new forms of modernity are seen as evolving and taking the center stage.
Religious liberty has become an increasingly contentious issue in American culture—with disputes over birth control, same-sex wedding cakes, headscarves at work, and prisoner’s beards
What should the church do? Christians are according to this data known for looking for a comfortable place and looking to be treated nicely by all man. Jesus said the world will not accept you and the world will actually hate you because it hated Me (Jesus).
It is time however for the church to be seen as strong and take its rightful place in the community. In a community were others views the christian life as oppressive and unconstitutional the church must still be the light.
Jesus Christ when He commanded the believers to be light He expected that there will be darkness and their light will be seen as they show forth the light to a world that is engulfed with darkness.
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