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What Has Gone Wrong With The Church. An Overview Of The Early Church's Influence And Impact.

What Has Gone Wrong With The Church

Volumes have been written giving detailed analyses of the extraordinary things that occurred in the first thousand years of church history, events that influenced everything that came after them. With such great impact and influence what has gone wrong with the Church in the 21st Century?

Within a few hundred years, the small, often hated religious movement called Christianity became the dominant religion of Europe and the Western world. By becoming the state religion of the Roman Empire, Christianity became the largest and most influential religion in the world. Scholars still debate why and how this occurred, but it is clear that it was one of the most important transformations in history.

Since Christians were increasingly persecuted by the state, and ostracized by their pagan neighbors for not worshipping the gods, it is difficult to understand how the religion became dominant in the Roman Empire.

It is ironic to mention that the Church would grow and become influential especially in the times of persecution, Historians cannot understand what was the secrete of the church's success. This aspect shows that Church of the first Century was influential in its area of operation.

With comparison with the 21 Century, it is with great displeasure to note that the impact and influence of the Church has dramastically eroded. What could be the result for lose of authority by the Church?

With the blessing of Human Rights members can freely worship God and share their faith to others, It is this church age that almost all resources to share and to spread the Gospel? Great Scholar has emerged and enlightenment has taken place and is still taking place. Yet there the Impact of the Church has been eroded.

The Early Church penetrated the spheres of Power and Authority. Emperors, legalized Christianity, sponsored the construction of new churches, promoted Christians to high offices in the government, and gave special rights, such as tax exemptions, to the Christian clergy. Emperor Constantine is one person of influence who was affected by the influence and impact of the church.

According to History it appears as if the whole world was amused with the Doctrine, lifestyle of the christians that made them to desire to infuse this lifestyle in their Government, common halls, economies and families. One can be haste to investigate the content of this Doctrine, what was the christian Life Style that attracted the world of paganism? Furthermore is the Teaching, Life style and Gospel now the same and what made their more lucrative than ours of the 21 Century?

Now Kings are no longer interested in enforcing the life style of Christ in their Cabinets. Infact in some nations they have even abolished public prayer and study of the Word, What went wrong to Kings that used in time past sponsored the cause and model their lives on Christ to set apart the same teaching that attracted them and once become a Code to live by ?

What has gone wrong with the church?

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